Contact & Location
Located in the municipality of Arzúa (4km from the town center), in the province of La Coruña, Pazo de Brandeso is located 35km from Santiago de Compostela and practically in the geographical center of Galicia.
Santiago Airport - 26km.
La Coruña Airport - 56km.
Vigo Airport - 108km.
Santiago Train Station - 38km.
Orense Train Station - 70km.
Santiago de Compostela - 35km.
La Coruña - 62km.
Lugo - 52km.
Pontevedra - 82km.
Vigo - 112km.
Orense - 70km.
Madrid - 600km.
Santiago Airport - 26km.
La Coruña Airport - 56km.
Vigo Airport - 108km.
Santiago Train Station - 38km.
Orense Train Station - 70km.
Santiago de Compostela - 35km.
La Coruña - 62km.
Lugo - 52km.
Pontevedra - 82km.
Vigo - 112km.
Orense - 70km.
Madrid - 600km.